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Risultati (18)

A Guide for Volunteers by Volunteers (Opinioni) 1-10-2004
by Yara Kassem
In the year 1952, and in the middle of the violent political events taking place in Egypt: the British colonization's violations against the Egyptian people; corruption by the royal regime; the suffering of lower classes in the Egyptian population...

Are we Serious Participants or Mere Observers? (Opinioni) 19-08-2004
by victor odhiambo
World conferences such as the Earth Summit in Johannesburg in 2002 are important for discussing global and coming up with a common way forward of tackling challenges that befall us all. The first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was a real...

Crónica del Tercer Encuentro de Jóvenes del Mercosur (Storia Breve) 22-03-2006
by federico pita
En los últimos días del mes de febrero, más de 180 jóvenes de unas 20 organizaciones (incluyendo a una delegación jóvenes no videntes), provenientes de Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Perú, España, Italia y Francia, se...

CSD-11: Youth Participation as an Indicator of Sustainable Development (Opinioni) 1-05-2003
The United Nations estimated that in 2000 there were 1.1 billion young people between the ages of 15 and 24, representing an unprecedented 18 percent of the global population. If, then, almost 20 percent of the Earth’s population is eager and...

Ecos de la Cumbre de Presidentes – Marcha Anti-Bush (Storia Breve) 28-11-2005
by R
Son las 5 de la tarde del viernes más polémico de noviembre, la Plaza de los Dos Congresos es una fiesta de colores y ánimos, hay cientos de personas: entre ellos estudiantes, padres, sindicatos, gremios, niños; todos unidos por una misma causa:...

Examine the Meaning of Student Involvement (Opinioni) 10-09-2004
by Adam Fletcher
Simply calling something “meaningful” doesn’t make it so. When a lot of people think about students' participation in community organizations and schools, "meaningful" isn't the first word that comes to mind. But saying that young people are...

Par Daniel DA HIEN, Coordonnateur Général du Réseau Afrique Jeunesse La jeunesse à l\'avant-garde Le ministère du Travail, de l\'Emploi et de la Jeunesse a organisé les 10 et 11 juin 2005 à Ouagadougou, le premier forum national des jeunes...

Internet, Jóvenes y Participación (Opinioni) 5-04-2007
by Damian Profeta
Nota : Este artículo fue presentado originariamente como parte integrante del trabajo " Juventud y TICs: una relación con mucho futuro " realizado y publicado por el Portal de Juventud para América Latina y el Caribe en abril de 2007...

No A La Corrupción (Opinioni) 21-07-2005
by Hernan
La convocatoria era a las 5 de la tarde, una hora después de lo que se llevaría a cabo en la capital. Habían pedido que fuéramos con un polo blanco y allí estábamos. Al llegar a aquella pequeña plazuela ubicada entre el Museo de Arte de Religioso...

P-A-R-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-I-O-N (Opinioni) 24-09-2004
by Oluyemisi Joel-Osebor (Nee Agboola)
P - Possibilities and opportunities to show that you care and can add value to your society A - Accepting to give up your comfort for the good of others R - Rendering a helping hand where and when needed T - Taking up challenges as they may...

Participation (Opinioni) 3-10-2004
by Dereje Amera
Participation has two forms. One is with conversation, and the other is with action. Conversation deals with consultation of any matter among the members of any community so as to derive to a best and effective decision, which helps the...

Premier tour des élections au Bénin : la victoire du peuple (Opinioni) 10-03-2006
by François Vianou Godonou
Lés élections du 05 mars dernier a été l'occasion pour les populations du Bénin de démontrer au monde entier combien elles sont mûres. Depuis la rumeur du report et du couplage de ces élections, ce peuple n'a cessé de prouver sa détermination à...

Sobre la Creación del Consejo de Juventud de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Opinioni) 30-09-2003
by Damian Profeta
Exposición realizada en el “1er. Debate sobre la creación del Consejo de la Juventud de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires” en la Legislatura. En el año 1999. Hoy, todavía sigue pendiente la Creación del Consejo de Juventud, a pesar de lo que establece...

Travel with a Purpose: Overseas Volunteering (Opinioni) 28-09-2004
by Karen Shim
When Greg Leung told his friends how he would spend his holiday time this year, some of them were a little surprised with his choice: building houses for the underprivileged in the central Mexican town of Valle de Santiago. But for the...

US-based Latino Youth: The Engine of Empowerment for Latin American Youth? (Opinioni) 19-01-2004
by Federico C. Baradello
The indicators are all there. The US-based Latino demographic (just ten percent of all Latinos in the world) have more purchasing power than any other Latino population in the Americas. Moreover, the same ten participation has the highest...

by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
Les 25 novembre de chaque année sont consacrées à la violence faite aux femmes. C’est donc l’occasion pour tous : organisations, associations, clubs, organismes de défense des causes de la femmes de voir comment ces dernières est traitée dans la...

Volunteering in Southern Costa Rica (Storia Breve) 28-08-2003
by Chiran
I went to Costa Rica with a youth organization called Youth Challenge International. About thirty other young Canadians and Australians arrived in Alajuela (a large city next to the capital city of San Jose). The next day we split into four groups...

Youth Participation - Time for Action (Opinioni) 21-09-2004
by Piyoo Kochar
Participation has entered the mainstream vocabulary of development, and inclusion is following hard on its heels. Though practice has lagged behind rhetoric, more and more social groups have been identified as marginal or excluded, and their...